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Quote from Malcolm in Dewey's Dog

Hal: Hey, what are we watching?
Malcolm: A documentary on eye surgery. They are reattaching a retina.
Man: [on TV] "The procedure involves making small incisions into the wall of the eye to allow instruments into the cavity."
Hal: Is there anything else on?
Malcolm: Dad, this is interesting. I might be a doctor someday.
Hal: You're right. You're right.
Man: [on TV] "The draining of the vitreous - the clear gel-like fluid that fills the back of the eye"
Hal: Aah-aah! I'm gonna go read.
[As Hal leaves, Malcolm changes the channel]
Woman: [on TV] "Kiki beats the heat in a red chiffon"
Malcolm: [to camera] You don't wanna watch a lingerie-counter shoot with your dad!

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