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Quote from Hal in Hal Coaches

Dewey: I wanna quit.
Hal: Well, you can't quit. People don't just quit 'cause they lose a couple of games.
Dewey: The coach quit.
Hal: No, he had an emotional breakdown, that's not the same thing. The point is you're not quitting. In fact, you know what? I'm gonna coach you.
Dewey: What?!
Hal: Sure. This will be great. It'll give us a chance to hang out together, spend a little time together, kick the ball around. [chuckles] Who knows, some day you might look back and say, "Boy, I sure had some fun with my old man." What do you say?
Dewey: No!
Hal: Dewey, you are not quitting the team. I am going to coach you and we are going to create treasured father/son memories whether you want to or not.

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