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Quote from Reese in Health Scare

Malcolm: Reese, if I show you a way we can go to the party, do you promise never to let anyone find out even though you're an idiot?
Reese: I swear.
Malcolm: OK. I was saving this for a life or death emergency... or a really, really good party.
Reese: Tell me! [Malcolm lifts up a floorboard in the boys' closet] No way. We're not hitting Mom with that!
Malcolm: Reese, tomorrow night after everyone's gone to bed, we take out the floorboard and sneak outside through the crawl space.
Reese: Wow. Tunneling out of our own room. She can't lock us in any more.
Malcolm: Mom's powerless.
Reese: Yeah. Now she's just a crazy old lady we have to live with.

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