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Quote from Malcolm in Mini-Bike

Reese: I don't remember if we're hating each other or liking each other, but either way I appreciate this.
[Malcolm holds an ice pack on Reese's swollen leg]
Malcolm: Ah, it's been two hours, Reese. The swelling isn't going down.
Dewey: Look, you can see his heartbeat.
Malcolm: Oh, man. We really need to get you to the hospital.
Reese: We can't! Mom will kill us if she finds out about the bike.
Malcolm: This isn't about the bike! We're screwed for the next five years on anything we'd like to do. There's got to be some way we can get you to the hospital before she finds out. Then we could come up with a cover story.
Reese: Could you handle that? Because I'm going to scream into my pillow for the next five minutes.
Malcolm: There's got to be some way we can do this. [opens door]
Craig: Have you seen Jellybean's sweater?

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