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Quote from Lois in New Neighbors

Lois: Who does that woman think she is? Suddenly fake boobs and $50 highlights allow you to treat other people like dirt? I tell you, Hal, they are officially the worst neighbors we've ever had.
Hal: Worst neighbors? Honey, that's not really fair to Mike. Remember the 70-year-old swingers?
Reese: Dad, they're horrible. Look at what their little piranha did to me. Every time I go outside, Emily's there, lying in wait.
Malcolm: Yeah, and that kid Josh keeps making up all these weird lies about me. He told the whole school that I was born with both sex organs and raised as a girl until I was five.
Dewey: Their gnome wants to eat me. It's evil.
Lois: They're all evil, sweetie.

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