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Quote from Lois in Lois Strikes Back

Lois: Hi, Malcolm. How was school?
Malcolm: Okay, I guess. Well, there was this one weird thing. This girl named Kristin, she's one of the girls that picked on Reese. You're not going to believe what happened to her.
[flashback to Kristin arriving at school on her scooter: As she tries to take her helmet off, bubblegum is stuck to her hair:]
Kristin: Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh! My hair! Oh, my God. Oh, my God! Who did this?! Who did this?!
Malcolm: They tried to get it all out, but I heard the janitor ended up having to cut off all her hair with a hedge trimmer.
Lois: [laughs] Really? [seriously] That's terrible. People can be so cruel.

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