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Quote from Lois in Malcolm Defends Reese

Claire: Hello, Lois.
Lois: [to Jamie] Hi, sweetie. I made you a snack in the kitchen.
Claire: What a day. Jamie was fine, but I got that horrible ringing in my ear. It was just dreadful. Do you ever get that? Well, you're blessed if you don't. I never noticed those cushions before. They're darling. What did you pay for them? They look so comfortable. Mind if I try 'em out? [sits down]
Lois: I'd like you to go now, Claire.
Claire: Oh, good, because I have a ton of things to do. You know how it is, though, something always comes up.
Lois: What I would like is for you to be in your own house now.
Claire: Boy, so would I. I really have to clean my bathroom tile grout. It's disgusting.
Lois: Get your fat butt out of my house!
Claire: [chuckles] Oh, Lois, you're so funny. Although, I could lose a little weight here...
Lois: Get out! Get out! Get out! Get out! Get out! [screams] Get out!
Claire: Wow. Where did that come from?
Lois: I have put up with this this long because I needed you for Jamie, but I've had it, lady. I'll send you a check for the money I owe you, and after that, I never want to see your face again.
Claire: Well, now, I...
[After Lois slams the front door on Claire, she comes in 'round the back door:]
Claire: Okay, I'm glad we finally got all that out in the open, 'cause now that we know we have issues, we can talk about them.

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