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Quote from Lois in Dewey's Special Class

Lois: Hal?
Craig: Uh-oh. Here comes Yoko.
Lois: It's 5:00 in the morning. You've been up all night.
Hal: Honey, I know you think this is silly and that I've just gone off the deep end again, but this isn't like the other times. I have a gift, Lois, and it would be wrong for me to turn my back on that.
Lois: Right. I see we've entered phase two. Which is fine, as long as you follow the rules. You have to go to work. You have to eat. You cannot involve the children.
Hal: And you're freezing the joint account.
Lois: Did it last week. Good night, Fred. Ginger.
Craig: I thought it was Fred and Barney.

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