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Quote from Spangler in Water Park

Spangler: Well, you'd think I'd get bored wiping the floor with my cadets.
Francis: God knows we enjoy it, sir.
Spangler: Do you know what your problem is, cadet? Discipline. Anything worth doing is worth doing well. Whatever I do, whether it's teaching you boys or mastering tai chi, or playing pool... I focus. I push myself. But you don't commit to anything, son. You're never going to be a winner because you do everything half-assed. [fails to make shot] Oh, regrettable.
Francis: You may have spoken too soon, sir. I think you'll find I play pool with my whole ass. Eight ball, corner pocket. [sinks white ball] Damn.
Spangler: Ah, the fatal scratch. Once again, I waltz with Lady Victory. And until you focus, Francis, she is never going to be your dance partner.

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