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Quote from Ida in Grandma Sues

Hal: You're suing us?!
Lois: Hal, keep it down. The boys are in the house.
Ida: Don't be so dramatic. I am suing insurance company.
Hal: Our insurance company!
Ida: You don't think I have a case? You don't think I have pain? That I have suffered? For years, I have suffered in silence.
Francis: Useless, miserable, money-grubbing old hag!
Ida: Keep talking tough, boy. I sue you, too.
Lois: All right, everybody just calm down. Mother, please, think about what you're doing. You are suing your own child.
Ida: I don't want to talk about it anymore. Let the lawyers handle it.
Lois: Lawyer?! We don't have a lawyer.
Ida: Well, you better get one.

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