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Quote from Hal in Mono

Hal: Wow, you guys really do this up right.
Brian: Well, they had to outdo a whole medieval feast at John and Stacy's and '70s Night at the Wongs.
Hal: Wait. So you guys do this all the time?
Steve: Hal.
Hal: I'm such a jerk. I never extend myself. I just get in my car. I go to work. I live in my own little world. I never think to knock on a neighbor's door and say, "Hey, let's have a luau." [murmurs of support] In fact, in fact, when Lois gets better, we'll do this at our house. [silence]
Steve: Yeah, we should really talk about that... at some point.
Hal: You're right. I'm being pushy. Friendships develop over time.

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