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Quote from Hal in Bride of Ida

Lois: Dewey, slow down.
Dewey: No, we have to get to Gate Seven or we'll miss our connecting flight.
Lois: Ooh. Cinnabons!
Dewey: No! No Cinnabons, no pretzels, no frozen yogurt. You can raid the mini-bar when we get to the hotel.
Lois: Do I have your permission to go to the bathroom?
Dewey: No. If you go to the other side of the partition, then we'll all have to go through security again. Dad, you tell her. Dad?
[Dewey and Lois look through the partition to see Hal in the gift shop holding a snow globe:]
Hal: Ooh, it's Paris. It's even more beautiful than I imagined!

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