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Quote from Lois in Malcolm Defends Reese

Donna: Sorry to bother you. I'm Claire's sister, Donna.
Lois: Oh, hi. Hi. Come on in.
Donna: I don't want to impose. I just want to thank you for being so nice to my sister. She often spoke of you.
Lois: Oh. Well, you know, I thought the world of her.
Donna: Come on now, Lois. I think we both know that Claire required a certain amount of patience. Am I right? [chuckles] Anyway, you wouldn't believe the flight I took coming here. First, they grounded the plane, which, you know, you think, better they do that than trying to fly it with something wrong. Then they said they're going to fix it, and I'm thinking, oh!
Lois: You know, Donna, I'm sorry, but you happened to catch me at a really busy time.
Donna: Oh, you think you're busy, try planning a funeral. Not that I'm complaining

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