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Quote from Malcolm in Burning Man

Anita: What's the matter?
Malcolm: Nothing. I'm happy. Really, really happy.
Anita: No, there's something the matter, but I just can't pin it down.
Malcolm: Nothing's wrong. You go do your re-birthing whatevers, and we'll get together later.
Anita: Contempt. That's it.
Malcolm: What are you talking about?
Anita: You have contempt for me, and for what I do.
Malcolm: No, no, not at all. [to camera] I should really just keep my mouth shut for the next five seconds. [to Anita] Four, three I mean, it is a pretty silly ritual, but I guess I don't see any real harm in it.
Anita: You know, I have a lot to do today and I think you should probably go.
Malcolm: No-
Anita: Good-bye, Malcolm.

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