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Quote from Reese in Mrs. Tri-County

Reese: Okay, I'm ready.
Nina: For what?
Reese: Whatever it is you do with beautiful people. I'll give you 20% and not a penny more. You may have to travel because I'm going to have a house in Miami, Milan, and that Disneyworld in France. You're welcome to fly my private jet, but I want you to keep it real. I'd also like a falcon.
Nina: What are you talking about? I can't do anything with you.
Reese: What? Why not? I've read the book, I measured everything. I'm perfect!
Nina: It's true, you do have the perfect features... for a middle-aged woman. If you want to, have a sex change, come back in 20 years and we'll talk.
Reese: No, please! This can't be how it ends. I'm supposed to have three rocky marriages and die in a hotel fire! Don't send me home! I'm too perfect to live like a person!

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