Marshall Quote #1011

Quote from Marshall in The Stamp Tramp

Honeywell: You went undergrad to Holy Cross? That's my alma mater.
Brad: I went there on a basketball scholarship.
Honeywell: No way. I played center.
Marshall: Uh-oh.
Honeywell: Why is that so shocking?
Brad: 'Cause you're, like, an itty-bitty fella.
Marshall: Hey... fish, huh? Fish are crazy, right? You guys ever think about fish?
Honeywell: I am six-foot one, sir.
Brad: Bro, I'm at least a foot taller than you.
Honeywell: Well, then I guess that makes you a freakish seven-foot one.
Marshall: What do you call fish with no eyes? "Fsh".
Honeywell: I am six-feet and one inch, and I'll prove it. Eriksen. How tall are you?
Marshall: Seven feet.


 ‘The Stamp Tramp’ Quotes

Quote from Barney

Man: Mr. Stinson, we might not have the best strippers at Moneyballs, but we use sabermetrics to get you a stripper with a five body, sure, and another with a butter face, but together, with their tireless grinding, we guarantee a high on-pants percentage.
Barney: I gotta be honest with you, Fred, I can't really see myself signing with the Golden Oldies.
Fred: Well, that's what everyone says... at first. But our GILFs have got class. They've got maturity and experience, and the kind of mind-blowing flexibility that only comes from advanced hip dysplasia.
Man: Barney, the Lusty Leopard would be lost without you. I think you're really gonna like a couple of the girls we just pulled up from the minors. Don't leave us!

Quote from Barney

Barney: Man, these strip clubs want me so bad. They're sending me T-shirts, beer cozies. Sticky's even sent me a boob-shaped hand-sanitizer dispenser. It's clean and dirty at the same time.

Quote from Marshall

Lily: Well, maybe this isn't the moment to stick your neck out for Brad.
Marshall: Well, that's not how I was raised. Back in St. Cloud, we believe in people, people like Gudren Olsen, the town wino who became our mayor. They even wound up naming a bridge after him. The one he drove off.