Robin Quote #463

Quote from Robin in Rabbit or Duck

Don: Robin, I have to apologize.
Robin: Save it. Let's just do the news.
Don: No, listen. After you left the other night, I was embarrassed. Not because I was naked. I'm actually pretty okay with my body.
Robin: Clearly.
Don: I got married in college. I just got divorced three months ago. I have no idea how to be single. But that's not why I was embarrassed. I was embarrassed about my behavior right here, at Channel... It starts with a one.
Robin: Twelve.
Don: Twelve.
Robin: I mean, just look at your mug.
Don: Right. Well, no, you look at this mug. You are a tremendous news anchor. And you deserve a co-anchor who gives a crap. And from here on out, that's gonna be me.
Robin: Well, I'll believe that when I see it.
Don: Well, you'll see it right now. I'll go get you some coffee.
Ron: Don. You're wearing pants.
Don: Well, look at that. [Robin imagines Don with a duck's beak]
Robin: Aw, duck.


 ‘Rabbit or Duck’ Quotes

Quote from Barney

Ted: What, you're actually gonna hook up with these girls that call you?
Barney: Oh, indubitably. I'm meeting the first one here any minute. Keep your eyes peeled for a red sweater. Based on her texts, she's dirty, dyslexic, and wants to 96 me. Semi-colon, end parentheses.

Quote from Barney

Barney: You guys remember Ranjit.
Ranjit: Hello.
Ted: Hey, Ranjit. Good to see you.
Barney: I've enlisted Ranjit's services as my personal driver because for the next week, I'll be sleeping with hundreds of women, and I don't wanna take the subway, 'cause, you know, germs.

Quote from Ted

Robin: I do not love Don.
Marshall: Robin, neurologically speaking, the part of the human brain that makes you hate people is located right next to the part of the brain that makes you wanna jump people's bones. The two responses are so similar it's hard to tell them apart.
Ted: You know what it's like? Wait, I have to get a book. Give me 30 seconds.
[Ted rushes out of MacLaren's. He returns 22 minutes later:]
Ted: Okay, this is fun. Look at this picture. It's a rabbit. You can look at it for hours and be absolutely sure it's a rabbit. But then one day, you look at it, and you realize, "Wait a second, it's a duck." It's a rabbit. It's a duck. Rabbit. Duck. Rabbit. Duck. Isn't this fun?
Future Ted: [v.o.] It sure was.