Barney Quote #349

Quote from Barney in Lucky Penny

Marshall: Okay, you know what? Prove it. Take my number and run in my place. I will bet you 50 bucks you don't even finish the race.
Barney: 50 bucks? Gee, Grandpa, if I win, maybe I can buy myself an ice-cream cone. Make it $10,000.
Marshall: You have a gambling problem, you'll bet me $50.
Barney: Fine, then no bet. Okay, $50.


 ‘Lucky Penny’ Quotes

Quote from Barney

Barney: Training for a marathon. [scoffs]
Marshall: What?
Barney: You don't need to train for a marathon. You just run it.
Lily: You're kidding, right?
Barney: Not at all. I could run a marathon anytime I wanted to.
Marshall: So like tomorrow, you think you could wake up, roll out of bed, and just run the New York City Marathon?
Barney: Absolutely.
Robin: Barney, we're talking about 42 kilometers.
Ted: Thanks, Canada. I'll take it from here. Barney, it's like 26 miles.
Barney: Here's how you run a marathon. Step one, you start running. There is no step two.

Quote from Barney

Barney: So where's my 50 bucks?
Marshall: All right. I got to admit, you earned this.
Barney: Huh? Can't believe they haven't made a coin for this yet. Anyway, I'm heading home. Might go hit the gym.
Marshall: Oh, hey, just so you know, uh, all marathon runners get to use the subway for free today.
Barney: Wow. You know I really should check out this "subway." Heard so much about it. Wow. Look at me. Slumming it. Maybe I'll make a weekend out of it and I'll call my bridge and tunnel girl tonight.
Ted: You're dating a girl from New Jersey?
Barney: No.

Quote from Ted

Robin: Wow. Look at his time. It's pretty impressive.
Marshall: He's gotta be cheating, okay. He knew we'd check.
Ted: Yeah, he'll do anything to win a bet. Remember that time he bet me that Men at Work sang "Hungry Like the Wolf," and when he found out that they didn't, he tried to hire them to?