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Quote from Ted in Rabbit or Duck

Barney: I need it back! Where's the phone? [to Natalia] Well, hello. Oh, I met you already. Where's the phone?
Lily: It's hidden.
Barney: Where?
Future Ted: [v.o.] Where had Aunt Lily hidden the phone? Well, to answer that question, we have to back up a little bit.
[flashback to Ted and Robin in the apartment earlier:]
Robin: You go on your date. Happy Valentine's Day.
["Turkey in the Straw" ringtone plays. Ted goes over to the piano, lifts the cover and finds a phone]
Ted: Barney's phone. I wonder how it got in there.
Robin: Ted? Come on, big date.
Ted: Well, what's the harm? [answers phone] Hello?
Future Ted: [v.o.] And just like that, I was hooked.

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