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Quote from Robin in Jenkins

Barney: Does she really say "but, um" that much?
Future Ted: [v.o.] That night, we found out just how much she said it.
[As Ted and Barney stay up to watch Robin's show]
Robin: [on TV] Oh, that's great, but, um...
Ted: "But, um."
Barney: Nice.
Robin: This wasn't your first spelling bee, was it?
Kid: Nope. Third.
Robin: Oh! Good for you, but, um... [cut] But, um. [cut] But, um. [cut] But, um... But, um... But, um... [cut] But, um... But, um... [cut] But, um... But, um... But, um... [cut] But, um... But, um... But, um...
[Drunk Barney and Ted laugh hysterically]

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