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Quote from Barney in Karma

Barney: Uh, look, Karma, I swear I never say crap like this, but... I think maybe the universe is telling us something. You want to go out again?
Quinn: I'm sorry, I don't date customers.
Barney: What about destiny?
Quinn: I heard she's over at The Melon Patch now.
Barney: No, I mean like fate telling us that we're supposed to be...
Quinn: Oh, listen, Barney, my manager is really giving me the stink eye. I have to get back to work.
Barney: Okay, wait, wait. What if I pay for a dance? That way, your manager's happy, and then I can to tell you why you should go on another date with me.
Quinn: I guess there's no reason why not.
Barney: Okay, first off, we have a lot in common. For example, both of our jobs are largely financed by drunk Asian businessmen.

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