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Quote from Robin in Jenkins

[Ted and his students watch Robin's TV broadcast from a bar:]
Robin: [on TV] So, your third book was your breakout novel, but, um...
All: But, um!
Robin: Damn! Sorry. But... Just "but," no "um." Just "but." Your first novel was written more quickly.
Author: That's correct.
Robin: But, um...
All: But, um!
Ted: How great is this?
Future Ted: [v.o.] And it was right then that Robin got an idea that would end the drinking game forever. I wanted to ask you about the novel you're writing right now, but, um...
All: But, um!
Robin: It's an idea you've had for a... But, um...
All: But, um!
Robin: ... time. But, um...
All: But, um!
Ted: No. No, no, no. Don't drink. It's a trap.
Author: I think I'm gonna go. You can keep your 10 bucks.
Robin: Okay, but, um, thanks for being with us. But, um, if there's any college kids watching, but-um, but-um, but-um, but-um, but-um, but-um, but-um, but-um...
Scotty: We have to drink, professor. It's the rules. She said "but, um."
Ted: God help us all.

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