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Quote from Barney in Girls Vs. Suits

Lily: Look at all these guys. Oh, the sidewalk's going to smell like pee-pee now.
Robin: Well, we'd better start looking for a new bar.
Barney: What, are you... What... Are you crazy? It is a hot bartender. Do you know how long I have been waiting to land a... My friends, I have been with many women in my day. Lawyers, teachers, poets, doctors, professional equestrians, amateur equestrians, [later] a butcher, a baker, a candlestick maker... Yes, we're to the rhyming section now. A math professor, a tax assessor, a weight guesser. [later] A puppeteer, a blackjack dealer, a stay-at-home mom... That's a job, too, guys. A circuit court judge...
Robin: Get to the point!
Barney: I have never, ever scored a hot bartender. Until tonight.

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