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Quote from Lily in The Leap

Lily: Why do you even want it?
Ted: Because I have to be an architect. That's... That's the plan.
Lily: Screw the plan. I planned on being a famous artist. Marshall planned on being an environmental lawyer. Robin planned on being a TV reporter.
Robin: Uh, I am a TV reporter. I'm on every morning at 4:00 a.m.
Lily: Is that still on? Huh. Good for you.
Robin: Somebody watch it, please.
Lily: Barney planned on being a violinist.
Barney: Lily!
Lily: Don't tell me things. Look, you can't design your life like a building. It doesn't work that way. You just have to live it, and it will design itself.
Ted: So, what, I should just do nothing?
Lily: No, listen to what the world is telling you to do and take the leap.

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