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Quote from Barney in Sunrise

Justin: Oh, my God, this is amazing! I ruined my pants, but it's totally worth it! Best meatballs ever! Mmm!
Kyle: I'm gonna ask a serious question right now. Can a person live in a strip club?
Barney: Yes. For the next few years, your strip club will be like home. Then, one day, you'll date a stripper and almost marry her, and after that, you'll realize you're done with strip clubs. In the sense that you'll dial it back to, like, once a week.
Justin: I feel like I can talk to women now.
Kyle: Yeah. You just stick a dollar bill in your mouth, and the conversation starts itself.
Justin: You know, I think we're ready to go back to that party and meet some ladies.
Barney: [laughs] Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! [slapping them both on each word] You! Are! Not! Ready! Your training is complete when I say your training is complete! Come on, let's go.

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