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Quote from Barney in The Final Page (Part 2)

Robin: [sighs] Seriously, Barney? Even you, even someone as certifiably insane as you must realize that this is too far. You lied to me, manipulated me for weeks. Do you really think I could ever kiss you after that? Do you really think I could ever trust you after that? This... This is proof of why we don't work, why we'll never work. So thank you. You've set me free because, how could I be with a man who thinks that this... trick, this enormous lie could ever make me want to date him again?
Barney: Turn it over.
[The other side of the page reads "Step 16: Hope she says yes". When Robin looks up, Barney is down on one knee with an engagement ring]
Barney: Robin Scherbatsky, will you marry me?
Robin: Yes.

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