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Quote from Ted in The Final Page (Part 1)

Marshall: Ted, just because we're coming with you to Wesleyan does not mean that we condone your behavior. Just using it as an excuse to see the old campus... And maybe watch you have a complete mental breakdown.
Lily: What are you even gonna do when you see Professor Vinick?
Ted: Oh, I'll tell you what I'm gonna do.
[fantasy scene of a cigarette-smoking Ted holding a picture of his skyscraper as he strolls into Professor Vinick's class:]
Professor Vinick: Sweet merciful Franks Gehry and Lloyd Wright, from what brilliant mind was this work of art sired?
Ted: Mosby. Ted Mosby. [coughing] Architect.
Professor Vinick: But that's-that's...
Ted: Impossible? Looks like you were wrong, Vinick. Dead wrong.
[Ted flicks his cigarette onto the floor, which starts a fire that spreads in a straight line to Professor Vinick, who explodes]

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