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Quote from Barney in Karma

Barney: So I went back to the Lusty Leopard.
[flashback to the strip club:]
Quinn: You know what, Barney? I know I said I have a rule about not dating customers, but you may have
convinced me to... [music stops] Oh. Song's over, I got to go.
Barney: Wait, no, what? Convinced you to what?
Quinn: I'm sorry, but manager's giving me the stink eye.
Barney: Ugh, get a life, Manager. [gives Quinn more money] What were you saying?
Quinn: Well, I was going to say that I do find you very... charming. And funny. And sexy. And exciting and smart.
Barney: You so get me.
Quinn: You know what, Barney? I have never done this before, but there's just something about you. So I guess my answer is... [music stops] Oh, the song's over.
Barney: Well, just finish the thought!
Quinn: But the manager.
Barney: God, I hate manager. There. [more money] Your answer is...
Quinn: Maybe if we knew each other a little better. Tell me about yourself.
Barney: Well, um, what can I tell you? I'm, um... charming and funny and sexy and... [later] exciting and smart.
Quinn: Well, how can a girl say no to that? How about we... go out on... aaaaaaaaa... aaaaaa... [music stops] Ugh, these songs are so short.

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