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Quote from Robin in Symphony of Illumination

Future Robin: Lily would just implode.
Lily: [sobbing] And here I've been going on and on about babies. Oh, I am such a bad friend!
Future Robin: And I'd wind up comforting her.
Robin: It's okay.
Lily: You have to punch me in the face!
Future Robin: Marshall would ask me a ton of questions I don't know the answers to.
Marshall: Have you thought about adoption?
Robin: Um, well...
Marshall: Does this kind of thing run in your family?
Robin: Uh...
Marshall: What was the date, duration and consistency of your last period?
Future Robin: And your father would bend over backwards trying to make me laugh.
Barney: A priest and a rabbi walk into a bar. No, a barbershop. No, a post office. No, it's two priests. No, it's two ducks. No, a priest holding a duck. And he's Polish. The priest, not the duck. Actually, the duck could be Polish, too. Doesn't matter. Yes it does. The duck's not Polish.
Future Robin: And when that didn't work, he would actually bend over backwards.
Barney: Pratfall! Ow!

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