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Quote from Robin in Big Days

Ted: You know what, Barney? Just cut her some slack, okay? She just went through a breakup.
Barney: With hygiene?
Future Ted: [v.o.] No, with Don. A few months earlier...
[flashback to Ted comforting Robin in the apartment:]
Ted: Here, have some tea.
Robin: Thanks.
Ted: Robin, I am here for you. Whatever you need.
Robin: Okay, um, about that. Ted, listen. I know myself pretty well. And, um, some time over the next few months, I'm going to want to sleep with you. And when that happens, you have to try to say no.
Ted: Try? I will absolutely say no. Our friendship is too important.
Robin: Oh. Okay, you know, maybe I wasn't clear enough. Um... I will come at you with everything I've got. I will stalk you like the lioness stalks the gazelle: careful, patient, deadly. And if you let your guard down for so much as a second, as sure as you were born, I will hump your brains out.
[two weeks later, a disheveled Robin is crying and surrounded by food on the couch when Ted returns home:]
Robin: Okay, I'm ready to have sex now.

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