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Quote from Ted in Three Days Of Snow

Future Ted: [v.o.] To understand what it meant to us to get the keys to MacLaren's, I have to take you back a few years to the night that I uttered five little words that every man at some point in his life will say.
Ted: We should buy a bar.
Barney: Of course, we should buy a bar!
Ted: We should totally buy a bar.
Barney: We should totally buy a bar.
Ted: Our bar would be awesome.
Barney: And dude, dude, dude... Dude! The name of our bar Puzzles. People will be like, "Why is it called Puzzles?" That's the puzzle.
Ted: That is... a great name for a bar! And also, at Puzzles: no last call.
Barney: No last call!
Ted: Only when every single person is finished having the greatest night of his or her life do we stack the chairs on the table and power down the three-story margarita waterfall.
Barney: [laughs] We should buy a bar.
Ted: We should buy a bar.

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