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Quote from Marshall in Slapsgiving

Barney: Wait, you're gonna slap me on Thanksgiving?
Marshall: Slapsgiving.
Barney: That's not allowed. Lily, you're the Slap Bet Commissioner, is that allowed?
Lily: The hostess in me who's using her wedding china for the first time wants to say "Hell, no!", but yeah, I'm going to allow it.
Barney: Well, you know what? If you're trying to freak me out about spending Thanksgiving...
Marshall: Slapsgiving.
Barney:. your place, then you failed. Truth is, I'm not scared.
Marshall: Really?
Barney: Right. Cause you blew it. The worst part about getting slapped is not knowing when it's going to happen. But now I know exactly when I'm gonna get slapped. So, you took all the suspense out. You showed your hand.
Marshall: And Thursday at 3:01 p.m., your face is going to show my hand.

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