Tim Quote #666

Quote from Tim in You're Driving Me Crazy, You're Driving Me Nuts

Jill: This is insane. Getting dressed in the backseat of a car. I cannot believe it.
Tim: You look terrific. Look...
Jill: Why are we not there yet? I mean, didn't we get those directions, like, an hour ago?
Tim: No, no. It wasn't that long and we're almost there, honey. We're close. Boy, it's been a long time since you've been undressed in the back of this car.
Jill: Please just keep driving.
Tim: You know, sometimes I forget just how sexy you are.
Jill: Well, keep forgetting. [car swerves] Will you keep your eyes on the road!
Tim: I can't. This storm is getting worse. I can barely see anything.
Jill: Oh, look. There's some lights up there. Just pull up into that place and find out where we are.
Tim: We're in North Adams. I can feel it.
Jill: Oh, just pull in and see.


 ‘You're Driving Me Crazy, You're Driving Me Nuts’ Quotes

Quote from Jill

Jill: Our wedding was so beautiful. I am so glad that I didn't let anybody talk me out of marrying you.
Tim: Who tried to talk you out of marrying me?
Jill: Oh, no one. You know, just... my mom, my dad, my sisters, my friends. The minister. The postman. Some guy down at the mailbox. You know. Oh, and Sheila.
Tim: Yeah.
Jill: Who said to me, "Don't marry him. I know a loser when I see one."
Tim: Good thing she was wrong.
Jill: Who said she was wrong? [Tim smushes cake in Jill's face]

Quote from Wilson

Tim: [grunts] I should have just done what she said. You know, got directions and forget my stupid instincts.
Wilson: Oh, Tim. Don't sell your stupid instincts short. Do you realize that people have a tiny compass in their nose?
Tim: I was never aware of that, no.
Wilson: Yes, it's true. People have a tiny iron deposit in their nose. It's right up here, [nasally] near the ethmoid bone. [normally] And that gives them directions to magnetic north, and since men have more iron in their bodies than women, it only follows that they would make a better compass.
Tim: [nasally] If I have such good instincts, how come I couldn't find the wedding?
Wilson: Pardon me, Tim?
Tim: [normally] If I have such good instincts, how come I couldn't find the wedding?
Wilson: Well, Tim, a map is a little more accurate than your nose. Plus, it's a heck of a lot easier to fold.

Quote from Tim

Jill: I can't take any chances. I have to be there a couple of hours early.
Tim: I think you're forgetting who has the radar-like sense of direction around here.
Jill: Tim?
Tim: Yeah?
Jill: Car is out front.
Tim: Well, the radar doesn't really kick in till you get in the car.