Jill Quote #934

Quote from Jill in Taking Jill for Granite

Patty: Oh, man, is he gorgeous! It's like he walked out of a dream!
Jill: Tell me about it! He's the guy!
Patty: What guy?
Jill: The guy! The guy! The guy! Who I had the sex dream about!
Patty: The guy that asked you out?
Jill: Yes!
Patty: The widower with the four daughters?
Jill: No, no! That was just in my dream, you know. I don't know anything about this real Ian.


 ‘Taking Jill for Granite’ Quotes

Quote from Tim

Tim: For a minute there I thought you said you fired my granite guy.
Jill: I did. When I gave him a lift home, he came on to me.
Tim: You fired the granite guy?
Jill: Did you hear what I said? He came on to me.
Tim: Did he say you have a nice outfit or something?
Jill: He kissed me.
Tim: [stammers] What did you do?
Jill: I pushed him away.
Tim: Well, you should've fired him!
Jill: I did fire him!
Tim: You fired the granite guy?!

Quote from Heidi

Heidi: Welcome to Tool Time on location from Al's living room. Today we're gonna show you how to conserve energy. Now, a good place to start would be replacing all your old insulation. I would recommend that you-
Tim: Heidi?
Heidi: Yes?
Tim: Do tell us when the camera is rolling.
Heidi: Okay... [exits]

Quote from Tim

Jill: I feel terrible, I am really sorry.
Tim: Are you? Or maybe inside you're jumping for joy? Huh? Huh? Maybe you and Ian are just spinning a web of twisted little lies. And I am just your prawn.
Jill: Tim, a prawn is a big shrimp.
Tim: Right. You can't play chess with a crustacean.