Jill Quote #604

Quote from Jill in Jill's Surprise Party

Jill: Wow! Look at all this stuff!
Henry: You like it?
Jill: Yes. I do. You know, I remember when you used to pick through our garbage. I had no idea you were gonna shellac it and sell it for... a lot of money.
Henry: It's funny. The garbage in the can is worth nothing. But once it's in a gallery people whip out their checkbooks faster than you can say... whatever it is that people say.
Jill: Well... [Henry swats something away] put.


 ‘Jill's Surprise Party’ Quotes

Quote from Tim

Randy: Why throw Mom a 39th birthday party anyway? I thought 40 was the big one.
Tim: [whistles] Randy, Randy, Randy, Randy. You got a lot to learn about women. A woman's 40th birthday party is something she does not want to celebrate.
Randy: Why not?
Tim: Well, because at 40 a woman feels like she's, you know, getting old. And that puts her in a very bad mood for a very long time.
Brad: How long?
Tim: Generally, the rest of her life. You see, at that age women don't like their looks anymore. You know, they see their cheeks sagging, necks hanging... And before long, it's inevitable their entire face will cave right in.
Mark: Even a party can't cheer her up?
Tim: I'm sorry to say, Mark, there's not a party big enough to make a woman happy who has no face.

Quote from Tim

Ilene: Hey, I got the balloons. I had to go all over town but I got 'em.
Tim: Well, go all over town and take 'em back. They say "40th Birthday." It's her 39th.
Ilene: Her 39th? I thought this was her 40th birthday.
Heidi: Me, too. Why wouldn't you be having the party next year?
Mark: Because that's when a woman falls apart and her face caves in.
Nancy: Who told you that?
Mark: Dad. He knows everything about women.
Carrie: Is that so?
Tim: You know what the odd thing is? This boy has two fathers. And it was the other father who would've said something... [nervous chuckle] Oh, boy. Why don't you tell us everything you know about women, Tim?
Ilene: Yeah. We have a second.
Tim: Boy, is it hot! Are you hot at all here? Benny, can you help me out at all with this conversation?
Benny: I can't. I thought women fell apart when they hit 30.

Quote from Al

Tim: Welcome to Tool Time. I am Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor, and you know my assistant, Al "Generation X-tra Large" Borland. You might have noticed Al's not sporting his traditional plaid or flannel today because he's got a new look. I think he looks... peachy.
Al: I don't feel peachy.
Tim: All right, today we're talking about do-it-yourself jobs that aren't actually do-it-yourself. Now, replacing a pane of glass is one thing, but for plate glass, you'll need a helper. So today, I'll be hiking the glass in place, Al will use a point driver to secure it. [lifts glass] All right, Al, point driver.
Al: Uh, I don't have my point driver.
Tim: Well, thanks for "pointing" that out. Where is it?
Al: I left it backstage. I feel a little flummoxed without my flannel!