Tim Quote #580

Quote from Tim in I'm Scheming of a White Christmas

Tim: Oh, it's gonna be a lot of fun today. We're gonna have a lot of Tim Taylor holiday hints, like putting up outdoor lighting to get your whole neighborhood together.
Al: [o.s.] Ho-ho-ho.
Tim: Don Ho? I don't think so. St. Nick. And I wouldn't be a bit surprised if old St. Nick slid out of this chimney a little later to hand out gifts to the studio audience.
Al: [o.s.] Ho-ho-ho.
Tim: Not yet. Not yet!


 ‘I'm Scheming of a White Christmas’ Quotes

Quote from Brad

Jill: You just don't get it, do you? That money was supposed to go to the Oak Lane Children's Center. You stole money out of the hands of kids who have next to nothing for Christmas.
Brad: We weren't gonna take all of it, just some of it.
Jill: Some of it or all of it, it was still stealing.
Brad: We'll do extra chores to work off the money.
Tim: You're darn right you'll do extra chores to work off the money. Then you can go back to the stores, take this stuff back and get the money for it.
Jill: And then you're gonna go back to the shelter, you're gonna take in the money, and you're gonna tell them that you stole it.
Brad: But, Mom, they're gonna think we're thieves.
Randy: Good, Brad.

Quote from Randy

Randy: This is more money than we've ever had on our bed before.
Brad: Yeah. If the money was ours, we could buy 30 Rooster Man comic books.
Randy: Yeah, and we could get Barbarian 2 for Game Boy.
Brad: Yeah. Too bad you don't get paid collecting for charity.
Randy: If we were working at regular jobs, we'd get paid salary. How much do you think Dad makes?
Brad: I don't know. Three bucks an hour.
Randy: Yeah. And Al does most of the work.

Quote from Brad

Randy: We made 90 bucks.
Brad: If we made 90 bucks a day, and we worked for seven days, we'd make, like, 200 bucks!
Randy: Brad, your math tutor must be proud.