Mark Quote #131

Quote from Mark in Mr. Likeable

Mark: Guess what? Erica's coming over to cry on my shoulder.
Jill: What's the matter with Erica?
Mark: Oh, her boyfriend broke up with her. And I'm helping her through her anguish.
Jill: What do you know about anguish?
Mark: I live with you and Dad.


 ‘Mr. Likeable’ Quotes

Quote from Tim

Al: You know, I never thought this would happen to me. I've always lived in someone else's shadow.
Tim: Well, growing up with your mom, I'm surprised you knew there was a sun.

Quote from Wilson

Wilson: You know, Tim, I can understand your concern for Al. But I'm also reminded of the Persian writer Nasir-i Khusraw. He said, "Though God creates the mother, the breast and the milk, the children must draw for themselves their mother's milk."
Tim: Wilson, you just gave me 12 horrible images.
Wilson: No, no, no, no. I'm just saying, just as the child learns self-reliance by separating from his mother, so the assistant learns by separating from the Tool Man. Maybe what Al needs is protection and support so he's not left hanging.
Tim: So I'll just buy him a sturdy jockstrap.
Wilson: Hello, horrible image number 13.

Quote from Tim

Morgan Fairchild: Al.
Al: Yes, Morgan Fairchild?
Morgan Fairchild: I am so sorry about this. May I have your autograph?
Al: You... You want my autograph?
Morgan Fairchild: Well, actually, it's not for me. It's for my dad. He's a huge fan of Tool Time.
Tim: Well, he probably wants mine, too. Hi. I'm Tim the Tool Man.
Morgan Fairchild: Hi. No, he didn't mention you. Thanks. I, on the other hand, am a huge fan of yours, honey.
Tim: Morgan Fairchild. I love her!