Tim Quote #2438

Quote from Tim in Wilson's World

Tim: While this is working its way through Al's system, let me tell you about the company right her in Michigan that makes this drink that combines fruit and vegetables called Vruit. They get my "vrote."
Al: Now we'd like you to meet one of the innovators in Michigan food industry. He's been combining unusual foods for years. Give a warm welcome to Ray Pleva. Ray, welcome aboard.
Ray: Tim.
Tim: OK, well, we're gonna see what's the latest invention from the Ray Pleva kitchen.
Ray: Something really unique.
Tim: [gasps] It's a hamburger, Ray. What else did you invent down there? Rock and roll? Shoes? Clouds?
Ray: No. Just this.
Al: Well, actually, Tim, this isn't a regular hamburger. Ray has mixed his beef with one of Michigan's finest resources.
Tim: Motor oil?
Ray: No, cherries. Cherries and beef.


 ‘Wilson's World’ Quotes

Quote from Wilson

Wilson: I had been living with the Mara Masai tribe for six months. But I had been unable to engage their aged chief in conversation. I had all but given up hope, until suddenly I was summoned to his death bed, where he whispered in my ear the words I'll never forget. [speaks foreign language] Which, roughly translated, meant "Hidy-ho, neighbor."
Jill: So that's where he got it.
Wilson: And then we did the dance of death because the chief had died. [chanting in foreign language]
Tim: I think we know what killed him.

Quote from Tim

Wilson: I mean, have you ever been hammered by a reviewer?
Tim: Oh, yeah! Yeah!
Wilson: Well, how can you not take it personally?
Tim: Hmm. Hmm. I'm reminded of one of the greatest entertainers of all time: Sammy Davis, Jr. He said, "I gotta be me."
Wilson: To think I've spent my entire life studying the Greek philosophers and it all comes down to Sammy.
Tim: When it comes to wisdom, there's nobody like the Candy Man.
Wilson: Tim, I want to thank you for not bailing out on me.
Tim: [imitating Sammy Davis, Jr.] Oh, man! Don't change, baby. I love you the way you are, man. I dig you, cat. I mean, cat, can you feel the love in this room? It's thicker than clam chowder, baby.

Quote from Harry

Benny: Is it my imagination or is Wilson more annoying than me?
Harry: It's close.
Tim: Be patient, OK? He's just trying to be one of the guys, all right?
Harry: Well, if he doesn't stop yapping, the guys are gonna go over to my house and watch the game.
Tim: Listen to you. Rather than drink beer here and burp up nachos, you want to be home with your wife?
Harry: Well, if I said that, I didn't mean it.