Tim Quote #2399

Quote from Tim in Totally Tool Time

Tim: Ouch! What happened out there? I almost killed myself. What was that camera doing over there?
Fred: It was taping the show. I had nothing to do with it.
Tim: Nice to have a producer who has "nothing to do with the show."
Fred: [chuckling] God, what a guy!
Tim: Why are you laughing? Why are you laughing? The Swedes aren't finding this amusing at all. We're dying out there.
Fred: No. Don't worry. The Swedes are gonna love Gadget Corner.
Tim: Yeah? If they don't, I'm blaming you.
Fred: As you should, my friend. [laughs] As you should.


 ‘Totally Tool Time’ Quotes

Quote from Wilson

Tim: Wilson, thank you very much for being a guest on today's show.
Wilson: Oh, Tim, it's my pleasure. You know, I have many relatives living in Sweden. They're gonna be so thrilled to see me on TV. Some of them have never seen my face.

Quote from Tim

Jill: If the show's a big hit in Europe, does that mean we finally get to go there?
Tim: Yeah! We can go to England and visit the Aston Martin factory. Italy, the Ferrari plant. A romantic weekend in Stuttgart at the Porsche factory.
Jill: That's about as romantic as touring a sausage factory.
Tim: We can do that too. On the way home, we'll swing by Poland.

Quote from Brad

Tim: Hey, guys. I got the mail. There's a package from Sweden. You know what that means?
Brad: You won the Nobel Prize again?