Al Quote #172

Quote from Al in Borland Ambition

Jill: Al and Ilene, hi!
Al: I hope we're not intruding. We were just on our way to the Sunday early bird special at Corky's Coffee Shop.
Ilene: We've done it every Sunday since we met. We get the same table, Al gets meat loaf, I get the chicken cutlet and halfway through the meal we switch.
Tim: God, and they say romance is dead.
Jill: You guys want a drink?
Al: Oh, no. We get unlimited coffee with the special.


 ‘Borland Ambition’ Quotes

Quote from Al

Al: Why don't I get my coat and we'll lock up?
Tim: Hey, wait a minute. Go on. You go on. I'll lock up for you.
Al: You want me to leave you alone in my hardware store?
Tim: Yes, I do.
Al: I don't think so, Tim.

Quote from Tim

Tim: What's up?
Al: Well, I stopped by to find out, are you going to invest in Harry's Hardware?
Tim: It's a possibility.
Jill: Completely out of the question.
Tim: We're still discussing it.
Jill: Over my dead body.
Tim: She's on the fence.

Quote from Benny

Al: Uh, Harry, can, um... Can we have a little business meeting?
Harry: Sure. Step into my office. [moves over a step] OK, what is it?
Al: Well, I'm just thinking that, um, if we sell everything at cost, we won't make a profit. Well, I'm just saying that if we give Tim a discount, where does it stop? Your relatives? My relatives? Benny?
Benny: You don't have to worry about me. I never buy anything.