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Quote from Tim in The Vasectomy One

Tim: I think I'm ready to talk.
Jill: About?
Tim: About what you want to talk about that I didn't want to talk about.
Jill: The vasectomy?
Tim: Yup. I think the trouble I'm having is that even though I don't want to have any more children, the thought that I can't would kind of make me feel like...
Jill: Less of a man.
Tim: That would be it.
Jill: Tim, if I had my tubes tied, would you see me as less of a woman?
Tim: No.
Jill: Well, then, why should it be any different for you?
Tim: And why would it be any different for me?
Jill: If you did this, not only would you be protecting me from surgery, but you'd be making a real commitment to me and our relationship. In my eyes, that makes you more of a man.
Tim: [grunts] I want to be more of a man.

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