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Quote from Randy in Advise and Repent

Tim: [sighs] Now, honey, I'm guessing that this psychology test - the "A" was based on some sort of curve?
Jill: I don't think what I did was so terrible. I was just trying to get Bert to open up the lines of communication.
Tim: Which is exactly why I've told you communication's a bad thing. It can lead to nothing but disaster.
Jill: This is not a disaster.
Tim: Oh, really? Then why did Bert and Dana run out of here yelling?
Jill: Because they were just expressing some strong feelings. They're going to calm down and have a nice, rational discussion. And their relationship will be healthier for it.
Tim: Hey, Randy. How was the mall?
Randy: Wild. When Michelle's parents came to pick her up, they had a huge fight.
Tim: Was it a healthy, rational sort of thing?
Randy: No. It was more of a screaming, "I can't believe I married you," sort of thing.
Jill: Right there in the mall?
Randy: Oh, yeah. Right in the food court. The falafel guy had to restrain Michelle's mom.

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