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Quote from Tim in Say Goodnight, Gracie

Tim: Is everything all right over there, Wilson?
Willow: Oh. Hey, Tim. How's it going, bro?
Tim: Hi, Willow. What's with the fire?
Willow: Uncle Wilson built this for some sacred Hindu ritual. But I'm using it to dry my nail polish. This color's called Back to the Fuchsia.
Tim: When you little girls paint your nails, you're so cute.
Willow: I'm 26 and I got a fungus under my thumbnail like you wouldn't believe.
Tim: Well, you were probably cute when you were little.
Willow: Yeah. But then there was that awkward period between three and twenty-five. Speaking of periods, I'm starting to bloat...
Tim: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Wilson!

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