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Quote from Tim in The First Temptation of Tim

Jill: He's going to fire Al?
Tim: No, no, no. He wants me to fire Al.
Jill: Well, that's terrible. I can't believe they'd put you in that position.
Tim: Me neither. I can't fire Al.
Jill: Of course you can't.
Tim: If I don't fire Al, they're not going to put money into Tool Time and there goes my dream - taking the show national, making more money, buying that vacation home we've been thinking about.
Jill: Oh, the one on the lake with the screened-in porch all the way around.
Tim: Mmm. 10,000 square foot garage. Tell me why I'm giving this up again.
Jill: 'Cause it's the right thing to do.
Tim: What else you got?

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