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Quote from Tim in A House Divided

Tim: I just saw something no human being should look at. Benny Baroni doing pelvic thrusts.
Wilson: Whoa. I hope for his sake he doesn't get stuck in that position.
Tim: Hey. How would you like to have a roommate for a little while?
Wilson: Oh, no, Tim. These days I prefer the solitary lifestyle.
Tim: No, he's great. You'd love Benny. After his 12 square meals a day, he's happy as a clam.
Wilson: Well, you seem to be in quite a hurry to unload your crony Baroni.
Tim: He's driving my family crazy. But how do you kick a good friend out?
Wilson: Especially after you blew up his house.
Tim: I didn't blow up the man's house.

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