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Quote from Brad in Quibbling Siblings

Jill: I know that you were a guest star on a low-rated cable show for a half an hour, but don't you think you're getting a little puffed up?
Brad: Well, I mean, I can't help it if everybody loved me.
Jill: I don't think that Randy loved you so much.
Brad: Mom, come on. I mean, Randy was a total jerk. He made fun of everything I did.
Jill: Well, that's because you got to be on TV and he didn't.
Brad: So you're saying Randy's jealous of me?
Jill: Yeah, a little.
Brad: Cool.
Jill: Brad, I want you to think about this. How do you feel when Randy comes home with a really great report card and waves that around under your face?
Brad: Not so cool.

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