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Quote from Al in Borland Ambition

Tim: Then we're ready to hang a magnificent piece of art. Ahh. Isn't it beautiful? Mona Borland. Now, you've all heard of Monet. This is what we call a "Don't waste your Monet." [laughs] It's funny.
Al: Well, if you wanna save some Monet, shop at Harry's Hardware. Our prices are unbeatable and for our Spanish-speaking customers... se habla español.
Tim: Alberto?
Al: Uno momento. I also wanna say that at Harry's Hardware, Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor shops there. Tell 'em how you're wild about Harry's.
Tim: Wild. It's you I'm not that crazy about. Well, we'll be right back after a few messages from Binford Tools, our real sponsor.

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