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Quote from Tim in It Was the Best of Tims, It Was the Worst of Tims

Tim: Sometimes in a marriage, you can get too comfortable.
Jill: Well, we're both getting lazy. I guess after 15 years and three kids, it's kinda natural.
Tim: Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I don't wanna get so lazy that we stop trying.
Jill: Me neither.
Tim: Do you remember when I asked you to marry me? I was so nervous, my hands were as sweaty as toilets.
Jill: Why were you nervous?
Tim: I was afraid you'd say no and I'd have to spend the rest of my life without you. I knew I couldn't return that ring.
Jill: [laughs] You still make me laugh.
Tim: That's good. It's the best 15 years I've ever had.

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