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Quote from Tim in Crazy for You

Heidi: And here they are, those two guys who are no fools when it comes to tools - Tim Taylor and Al Borland! Whoo!
Tim: Thank you. Welcome to Tool Time. Golly, there's a lot of women in the audience today, Heidi.
Heidi: That's right, Tim. This afternoon, we're honored to have with us the Women's Sharpshooters Club of Detroit!
Tim: Well, welcome, sharpshooters. I am Tim Taylor. This is Tool Time. You all know my assistant - Al "Bull's-Eye" Borland. You know, a lot of people don't know that Tool Time isn't just about home improvement. It's also about frisking people. Would you take the honors today, Al?
Al: I don't think so, Tim. Today, we're going to be talking about insulating windows.
Tim: Yes, we are. Caulking, window insulation... And that's all the time we have. Have a safe drive home.

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