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Quote from Jill in Shooting Three to Make Tutu

Tim: About yesterday, I want to reiterate that getting courtside tickets front row is a very big deal.
Jill: Tim, I'm happy that you were there to spend the day with Mark. But every weekend, you know, it's always these "guy" things. You know, there's basketball, the hot rod, grunting, making noises on the couch. It's like, um, this is a boys club. You know, no girls allowed.
Tim: Girls are allowed. You just can't make the same noises we can.
Jill: You know, you don't have to like the things that I like.
Tim: Whew. Thank you.
Jill: I just want to make sure that you make it OK for the boys to like the things that I like. Let them make up their own minds, OK?

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